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Agile Amped Podcast - Inspiring Conversations

Apr 28, 2015

Agile2014 Keynote speaker Diana Larsen reminds us of how to reclaim our goal of reaching for and achieving what she calls “the best job ever” by focusing on the three aims: finding work you love, working with purpose, and caring for your tribe.

Apr 28, 2015

The awesome David Bland stops by the BigVisible un-booth at Agile2014. Topic for discussion: Innovative Accounting will land you in prison, but Innovation Accounting will land you a product that matters. David covers the basics of Innovation Accounting and dives into Pirate Metrics, Lean Analytics Phases and the...

Apr 28, 2015

Carol McEwan, Managing Director at the Scrum Alliance, highlights the organization's growth strategy and evolution over the past few years.

Apr 28, 2015

Creator of the Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe), Dean Leffingwell, stops by the BigVisible booth to talk about recent updates. The latest version of SAFe features extensive refinements to many elements of the methodology infrastructure, as well as new content and guidance that helps enterprises better organize around value...