Jun 7, 2018
Are educators doing all they can to prepare students for the real world? High school teacher and CSM Bret Thayer feels we could be doing better to give today's students - digital natives - the soft skills that modern businesses need. These include critical thinking, problem-solving, creativity, innovation, collaboration, adaptability. Thayer is all too familiar with the struggle of getting smartphone-obsessed teenagers to acknowledge, let alone learn from, other people - teachers as well as other adults and peers. He uses Scrum and Agile technicals and mindsets to get students involved in their own education.
Accenture | SolutionsIQ's Howard Sublett hosts at Mile High Agile 2018 in Denver, Colorado.
Reach our guest:Facebook: www.facebook.com/groups/teacherswhoscrum/ Twitter: @bathayerWebsite: agileintheclassroom.com/
Podcast library: www.agileamped.com
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