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Agile Amped Podcast - Inspiring Conversations

Oct 19, 2016

The journey to become a CST is a long and rewarding one.  In this episode, I get to discuss Karim Harbott's journey to becoming a CST just 2 days after  he found out he had received the certification.  Richard Cheng is a CST and a volunteer on the Trainer Approval Committee ( TAC) . He shares his side of the journey and what the TAC is looking for, some tips, and encouragement.  One story, two perspectives.  It should be interesting.  The Agile Amped podcast series connects the community through compelling stories, passionate people, shared knowledge, and innovative ideas. Fueled by inspiring conversations with industry thought leaders, Agile Amped offers valuable content – anytime, anywhere. To receive real-time updates, subscribe at YouTube, iTunes or Subscribe: YouTube, SIQiTunes, Follow:  Like: