Dec 27, 2018
“Pragmatic Manager” and author Johanna Rothman sits down to discuss her packed Agile2018 session “Agile and Lean Roadmapping: Incorporating Change at Every Level of Product Planning.” Businesses tend to want to follow a plan even when new information is available. Rothman advises using Minimum Viable Experiments...
Dec 20, 2018
Author of “DevOps for the Modern Enterprise” Mirco Hering is a Managing Director at Accenture leading the Agile & DevOps practice in the APAC region. Hering shares with us the two topics that he didn’t find in other books on DevOps, which motivated him to write his own. He also highlights for us why it’s so...
Dec 13, 2018
Bryan and Dana Finster share their experiences helping deploy Continuous Delivery pipelines at Walmart, drawing inspiration from CALMS.
"One of the challenges [with things like DevSecOps]," Bryan points out, "is people not understanding what they're trying to do with CD. If they understand that, then security and...
Dec 6, 2018
Josh Atwell considers himself somewhat of an “IT therapist” in his role as a technology advocate at Splunk. He informs and enables leaders and practitioners in the techniques and strategies needed for today’s quickly evolving IT landscape. Atwell believes that, in order to implement change, organizations must...