Jul 17, 2017
Rob Oddi Change management expert and consultant, facilitator of Lego Serious Play, a facilitated thinking and problem-solving technique used by diverse organizations like NASA, the United Nations, Google, Fedex, and New Balance. It may seem silly at first but, according to Rob, many organizations agree that...
Jul 5, 2017
Suz O'Donnell, Executive Change Advisor with Thrivatize, has a call to action for leaders in two parts: 1) slow down to speed up and 2) figure out what a change means to you before you bring it to your team. When it comes to lasting change (as in Agile transformation), it isn't enough to simply forward an email. Leaders...
Jul 3, 2017
Who said open space was for a small crowd only? Jake Calabrese has successfully hosted open space for crowds as large as 1200 people (in San Diego for the Scrum Gathering) and for the 800 people in attendance at Mile High Agile 2017. Jake works to ensure everyone, even those on the edges, are engaged - which involves...