Oct 31, 2016
How would our education system be different using agile principles and values? In this InDepth edition, our conversation focuses around the American School in Leysin, Switzerland, and their experiments over the past 3 yrs in Agile in Education. My guests are Paul Magnuson ( Director of Curriculum & Director of...
Oct 19, 2016
The journey to become a CST is a long and rewarding one. In this episode, I get to discuss Karim Harbott's journey to becoming a CST just 2 days after he found out he had received the certification. Richard Cheng is a CST and a volunteer on the Trainer Approval Committee ( TAC) . He shares his side of the journey and...
Oct 10, 2016
How does a large enterprise organization keep up, much less lead? Disruptive Innovation changes the landscape of products, and companies should want to be on the delivering end of this instead of the receiving end. Many companies focus on Sustaining Innovation, but if they really want to be leaders in their product...
Oct 3, 2016
Empowerment sounds like a good thing - right? What Alan is sharing is that this isn't enough. We talk through a leader/follower spectrum and identify different styles of leadership, and the types of followers that they help create. Alan makes a strong case for the manager to be a catalyst that inspires co-leaders. ...